account_boxEmily Amber Johnson

Emily Amber Johnson Mugshot

Height: 508
Weight: 0
Charge(s): Statute: 812.014(3)(a) Description: Petit Theft - Retail - Less Than $100

Statute: 812.017(1) Description: Refund; Request With False Receipt

Statute: 893.13(6)(b) Description: Possess Not More Than 20 Grams Of Marijuana

Statute: 812.019(1) Description: Dealing In Stolen Property

Statute: 322.34(2)(b) Description: Driving While License Suspended Or Revoked 2nd Conviction

Statute: 812.017(1) Description: Refund; Request With False Receipt

Statute: 812.019(1) Description: Dealing In Stolen Property

Other Arrests:
  Emily Johnson Arrest Mugshot Duval 09/08/2022 Emily Johnson Arrest Mugshot Nassau 12/13/2020 6:46 PM Emily Johnson Arrest Mugshot Duval 08/16/2019 Emily Johnson Arrest Mugshot Duval 03/17/2019 Emily Johnson Arrest Mugshot Duval 10/23/2018