account_boxJustin Paul Bowyer

Justin Paul Bowyer Mugshot

Height: 5ft 8
Weight: 170
Charge(s): -fta-attempt To Elude,reckless Driving,fail Stop Sign{x4},switched Tag,reasonable Prudent Speed{{x4},operating W/o Insurance, Failure To Register, Imprper Lane, Wrong Side Of Hwy, Improper Passing, Improper Tires, No Seat Belt,fail To Signal{x4}

Other Arrests:
  Justin Bowyer Arrest Mugshot Randolph 5/13/24 Justin Bowyer Arrest Mugshot Randolph 4/2/24 Justin Bowyer Arrest Mugshot Cleburne 6/27/23 Justin Bowyer Arrest Mugshot Randolph 10/22/21 Justin Bowyer Arrest Mugshot Cleburne 6/4/21