account_boxMarcus Deon Bell

Marcus Deon Bell Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1990
Height: 6ft 2in
Weight: 210
Charge(s): Cc2011-000967 05/10/2018 Unlaw Breaking And Entering Vehicle 10y 0m 0d Consecutive

Cc2015-000513 05/10/2018 Fraud Use/repres Credit Card 15y 0m 0d Concurrent

Cc2015-000515 05/10/2018 Unlaw Breaking And Entering Vehicle 15y 0m 0d Concurrent

Cc2015-000521 05/10/2018 Unlaw Breaking And Entering Vehicle 15y 0m 0d Concurrent

Cc2016-000816 05/10/2018 Unlaw Breaking And Entering Vehicle 15y 0m 0d Concurrent

Dc2016-001099 05/10/2018 Prom Prison Cntrbnd Ii 15y 0m 0d Concurrent

Other Arrests:
  Marcus Bell Arrest Mugshot Jefferson 12/9/2022 Marcus Bell Arrest Mugshot Jefferson 8/25/2022 Marcus Bell Arrest Mugshot Jefferson 5/18/2022 Marcus Bell Arrest Mugshot Jefferson 11/30/2018 Marcus Bell Arrest Mugshot Jefferson 1/22/2018